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Tiny Feet

Newborn Screening

Dried blood spot (DBS) samples stored on filter paper are surging in popularity for applications ranging from screening for genetic disorders in newborn patients to point-of-care testing for infectious diseases to metabolic profiling in drug
discovery and lead validation.  Digital microfluidics can power the analysis of new born screening in minutes.

Biofuel production

What if you can find new alternative fuel? Using the platform of microfluidics, you can discover new enzymes that will break down feedstocks at unprecedented rates.  Current platforms are manual and  labor-intensive, but droplet-based microfluidics can screen through millions of enzymes in matter of hours - enabling faster scale-up possibilities and striving closer to our goal of environmentally friendly fuels.


Tired of your gene-editing experiments not working?  What if now there are faster ways on designing new cellular therapies or new cell lines for your work?  Our microfluidic platforms can do just that at a fraction of the cost compared to current platforms.

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